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Blitztest is a free project without ads and restrictions. Maybe we should be supported?
for a month
₽ / month
Total due — 300 ₽
Early access to new features
Special icon in the site
Extra incentive to learn
Premium until May 19, 2024
We will use the money to pay for the server, programmer’s time and project development.
for a year
₽ / month
Total due — 1200 ₽
The most favorable plan
Early access to new features
Special icon in the site
Extra incentive to learn
Premium until April 19, 2025
A sponsor account is your chance to keep Blitztest afloat. Your support means a lot to us!
for 3 months
₽ / month
Total due — 600 ₽
Early access to new features
Special icon in the site
Extra incentive to learn
Premium until July 19, 2024